Comisión de Relaciones Internacionales

International Relations Commission

Visiting Fellows/Scholars

Visiting Fellows/Scholars must be employed by a foreign higher education institution.

Visiting Fellow/Scholar activities at ECA can include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Talks
  • Public Lectures
  • Meetings;
  • Workshops;
  • Participation in an examining board / judging committee;
  • Teaching undergraduate courses;
  • Teaching postgraduate courses;
  • Teaching classes in culture & extension courses;
  • Research;
  • Technical visits / laboratories/field research;
  • Lectorship programmes. 
  • Obtaining a university degree: doctorate and postdoctoral;
  • Participation in an award ceremony;
  • Provision of services to the community.

The prospective Visiting Fellow/Scholar should contact a member of ECA’s academic staff and present a research proposal for the visiting period. A nomination for a visiting fellowship is made by the relevant academic staff and by the Head of the relevant department, after consultation with academic colleagues. The Visiting Fellow/Scholar must fill a registration form (available here).

Prospective Visiting Fellows/Scholars should send the following documents to the relevant academic department: 

  • Research Proposal;
  • CV;
  • Plan of activities to be developed during the stay/Covering Letter;
  • Copy of passport’s ID page.
Please find below links to important information on applying for financial aid related to visiting fellowships.
CAPES Visiting Professor from Abroad Program (PVE)
CNPq Visiting Researcher Grant (APV)
FAPESP Research Grants - Visiting Researcher
AUCANI Actions to promote internationalization


The University of São Paulo is also part of the French Chairs Program aimed at academic staff at French Universities. Call for applications are published periodically on the website of USP’s Agency for National and International Academic Cooperation (AUCANI).